WBPSC Food SI Result 2024: Details, Process, and Cut-Off Marks

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WBPSC Food SI Result 2024

The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) conducted the WBPSC Food Sub Inspector (SI) written exam on 16th and 17th March 2024 to recruit 480 eligible candidates for Grade-III Sub Inspector posts in the Food and Supplies Department of West Bengal. Aspirants who appeared for the exam are eagerly awaiting the results, which are expected to be released soon on the official WBPSC website.

Exam Overview

The written exam had 100 multiple-choice questions, with each correct answer earning 1 mark and incorrect responses leading to a penalty of 0.33 marks. The total duration of the exam was 90 minutes, with no extra time provided. The questions were designed to test the candidates’ knowledge, reasoning, and subject-specific expertise.

State ConcernedWest Bengal
Recruitment AgencyWest Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC)
Vacancy NameFood Sub Inspector (SI)
Total Posts480
Exam Date16th & 17th March 2024
Result DateTo Be Announced
Official Websitepsc.wb.gov.in

West Bengal Food SI Result Preparation Process

The result preparation involves multiple steps, ensuring accuracy and fairness:

  1. Provisional Answer Key:
  • A provisional answer key will be published on the official website.
  • Candidates can download the answer key and cross-check their answers.
  1. Raising Objections:
  • If discrepancies are found, candidates can raise objections by paying a nominal fee.
  • The board will review these objections and make necessary corrections.
  1. Final Answer Key:
  • A revised and final answer key will be released after resolving objections.
  1. Result Declaration:
  • Based on the final answer key, results will be prepared and published on the official WBPSC website.

Expected Cut-Off Marks

The cut-off marks for the WBPSC Food SI exam depend on several factors, such as the exam’s difficulty level, the number of candidates, category-wise distribution, and available vacancies. Below is the expected cut-off trend for the exam:

CategoryExpected Cut-Off Marks
General (UR)91.1671
OBC A88.6671
OBC B89.1670

How to Check the WBPSC Food SI Result 2024

Follow these simple steps to access your results:

  1. Visit the official website: psc.wb.gov.in.
  2. Navigate to the “Results” section on the homepage.
  3. Click on the link for “WBPSC Food SI Result 2024.”
  4. Enter the required details such as your roll number or registration number.
  5. Click on the “Submit” button.
  6. Your result will appear on the screen in PDF format.
  7. Save or print the PDF for future reference.

The WBPSC Food SI exam is a critical step for candidates aspiring to join the Subordinate Food and Supplies Service in West Bengal. The result announcement will mark the beginning of the next stages of the recruitment process. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official WBPSC website for updates on results and further instructions.


When will the WBPSC Food SI Result 2024 be released?

The results are expected to be announced in the coming months. Stay updated by visiting psc.wb.gov.in.

How can I check my WBPSC Food SI result?

Visit the official WBPSC website, go to the Results section, and enter your roll number or registration details to view your result.

What are the expected cut-off marks for the WBPSC Food SI exam?

The expected cut-off for General category candidates is around 91.1671. Refer to the category-wise cut-off table for detailed information.

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